XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali - XX Olympic Winter Games - XX Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver
Celebrate the beauty and athleticism of the marquee event of the Winter Olympics! Straight from Turin comes "Figure Skating", one of seventeen official posters of the Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games. With artwork created by the world-famous Iconologic brand design firm, this entry in the collection captures the sport with a colorful modernist style that looks fantastic on the wall, evoking all the legendary evening programs that provide memories of a lifetime. With a crisp white border, the official Torino 2006 logo as created by the Italian design firm Agenzia Armando Testa, and trilingual titling (Italian, English, and French), this is a beautiful reminder of the greatness of the Olympic movement and the athletic achievements that thrill the world. Imported directly from Italy, this is a SportsPosterWarehouse.com North American exclusive. NOTE: LAST ONE LEFT IN STOCK.