Put poor blood circulation behind you with these GABRIALLA open-toe compression Thigh Highs. Designed using a graduated compression method, these thigh-high stockings help provide just the right amount of pressure to problem areas in the feet and ankles while gradually decreasing up along the legs. Crafted using the latest and highest quality microfiber, these open-toe Thigh Highs are designed to last much longer than other stockings, making them a great health investment. Help reduce fatigue, unnecessary aching, and swelling with these microfiber stockings. Their open-toe design provides room for wiggling your toes and contribute to the stocking's breathability to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the day.
[tabs][tab title="Benefits"]
- Support your legs - Help improve blood circulation and overall body energy.
- Recommended by doctors for treatment of varicose veins and other vein disorders.
- Assist in reducing swelling, pain, and fatigue when standing for long periods of time.
- Breathability and comfort with open-toe construction, especially in hot weather conditions.
- Invest in your health with the highest quality and most current microfiber.
For more sizing information please click the 'Sizing Guide' link under the size selection box [/tab][/tabs]